ZipIt is not free. You may test ZipIt for a period of one month, and then you must pay the shareware fee of $15. After you pay the fee, you will receive a password that will disable the registration dialog box that you receive upon starting ZipIt. You will also be able to encrypt and decrypt files within zip archives.
Individual Registrations
You are strongly encouraged to register online. You can do this by starting ZipIt and clicking the "Register online..." button in the registration dialog box. You will receive your password within minutes of completing your registration. Or, you can register at <>.
If you do not have access to the Internet, you can send in a registration form with a check drawn on a US or Canadian bank (or an international postal money order) for US$15. When you start Zipit, click "Print Order Form..." You will receive your password in 6-8 weeks.
Legal notice: The shareware fee is for ZipIt as a package. The fee covers only those portions of ZipIt that are copyrighted by Thomas A. Brown. The code to zip and unzip files is copyrighted by others, as noted elsewhere in this documentation, and those portions of ZipIt are free.
Corporate Registrations
If you are registering ZipIt for your own private use within a company, then you may register as an individual. However, if there is to be more than one person using ZipIt, then you must read this section.
ZipIt costs US$15/copy. You may register online as above, or you may send a check. Please do not send a purchase order. All checks must be accompanied by registration forms.
Site Licenses: For small organizations that exist in one physical site, you may obtain a site license for $225. This will grant you the right to use up to fifty copies of ZipIt ZipIt at one physical location. Other arrangements can also be made, including distribution to more than one site of an organization, or registering a larger-scale organization. In this case, a customized version of ZipIt would be created. If you are interested, please contact me at
Distribution Licenses: ZipIt may be distributed freely, provided that it is unaltered and distributed with its original accompanying files. Registered versions of ZipIt may not be distributed. If you would like to pre-register ZipIt for inclusion with your software, please contact me. ZipIt may not be sold for profit, nor modified and redistributed, without my prior permission.